Signalling: Media’s X-Factor

We all understand that the media channels you select can impact the brand message your audience receives. However, there’s relatively little Irish research out there to help us understand and quantify these signalling effects.

Here we take you through new Irish focused research, conducted by RedC on Signalling in Ireland.

The key take-outs include:

1) The choice of media channel significantly affected respondents’ perceptions of the brand, in terms of its financial footing, its popularity and its quality

2) TV ads in Ireland deliver quality, confidence and strength signals. When participants were told that the ad campaign would run on TV, their perception scores for these ‘fitness’ signals were significantly higher than other video..

3) TV advertising, more than any other media, helps brands to be perceived as believable, reliable and likeable (social signals)

4) TV ads are seen as relatively costly for brands, which signals quality . Compared to social media for example, the public understand that TV requires a relatively large up-front investment. They perceive that there is little risk of being surrounded by cheap products. As a result, TV can be effective simply because of the company a brand keeps.

5) People intuitively understand that TV advertising is seen by many people. TV was perceived as having the broadest reach of any media and we know from studies by the likes of Binet and Field that reach and fame are inherently linked.

6) Young adults (15-34) are just as likely to be influenced by the signalling strength of TV. Generally speaking, those aged 15-34 see media which is public and shared as being stronger than more addressable, one-to-one channels..

The full slides from the study “Signalling: Media’s X-Factor” can be found on the link below
